Cemetery Hours: 8:00 a.m. till Sunset.
Office Hours: 8:00 – 2:00 weekdays. 8:00 – 12:00 on Saturday
Walnut Grove Cemetery and the Meriden Cemetery Association have been providing services in the surrounding communities of central Connecticut for over one hundred and twenty–five years.
Originally farm land in the 1800′s, the one hundred and thirty–eight acres of cemetery grounds were designed to reflect the pastoral and serene setting of rolling hills and woodlands. Tree–lined roadways meander through a landscape that has many notable and historical burial sites. Special attention is paid to our veterans from all wars since the “War Between the States” in the 1860′s.
Today the Board of Directors has recognized that people are opting for cremation in increasing numbers. To provide for that need and adhere to the founders mandate that the cemetery be both functional and aesthetically pleasing, they have built the Walnut Grove Crematory. We welcome your inquiries and extend an invitation to tour this new facility and the extensive services that The Meriden Cemetery Association can provide for both cremation and traditional burial.